Photoshoot with Podcaster Brendan Le Grange

Photoshoot with Podcaster Brendan Le Grange

I was contacted by Brendan to take some PR shots of him for his new website.

“How to Lend Money to Strangers is a podcast about lending in all its forms and in all the markets in which it takes place, however diverse those markets may be. Aimed at professionals in the consumer credit industry, but accessible to all, weekly interviews discuss topics ranging from the inspiration behind a new start-up, to careers spent at the lending coal face, to where the latest technologies might take us. In the end, if it shapes a lending decision, we’ll talk about how.” Brendan Le Grange.

In my studio room with 2 lights and a grey backdrop, we worked together to create some shots which best represented him in action. By shaping and being creative with light I was able to capture a variety of shots which Brendan will be able to use for his PR and website requirements.

Check out his latest podcasts on Spotify

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Joanne Collins Photography

Sittingbourne. Kent