
Commercial Photography Prices

Commercial Photography Prices Kent, photo of James Caan, food photogrpahy, jewellery photography, team photos



My prices start from £250

Half Day  £450

Full Day   £800

See below for Property Photography Prices


Please contact me with your project details so that together so that we can discuss the amount of photography time needed, together with your budget and other special requirements.

All prices include high quality post production, high and low resolution images sent electronically and travel cost within Kent. Outside of Kent is charged at 25p/mile.



  • Corporate Portraiture and Team shots
  • Publicity Pictures
  • Business Premises
  • Property, External/Internal (houses, restaurants, offices etc)
  • Industrial/Construction
  • Products for e-commerce and print
  • Model Portfolios
  • Cars/Bikes and Show Rooms

Property Photography Prices



2 bedroom properties - £250

Minimum of 10 images

Shooting time

approximately 2 hours


3-4 bedroom properties - £400

Minimum 20 images

Shooting time
approximately 3-4 hours


5 bedroom properties - £500

Minimum 30 images

Shooting time
approximately 4-5 hours


Floor Plan - £50

Exterior Only 30 minutes 5 images - £100

Twilight - £100


What you’ll receive for the prices above:


  • My time to take your photographs – your costs are based on how long it takes me to shoot your images
  • The photographs taken – I don’t hold any back and charge for additional shots later
  • My expertise
  • The time to process your images – they will be cropped, edited for colour balance, basic sharpening and, as necessary, corrected for geometry – and in general it takes (at least) as long to process/edit your images as it does to take them. There are no extra charges for processing
  • Supply of your high resolution and web ready sized images sent electronically
  • The right to use your images
  • Travel is included within a 25 mile radius of Sittingbourne, outside this area a rate of 45p per mile is added plus any Toll, Congestion and Parking Charges.


Payment is required at time of booking.

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Tumbridge Wells, Kent, United Kingdom