Siblings Photoshoot with Annabelle & baby Harry

Siblings Photoshoot with Annabelle & baby Harry

Claire booked a siblings phootshoot for her 2 children, Annabelle 8 years and Harry 4 months. The plan was to have most of the images taken of Harry and then some of the two of them together, but after photographing them I couldn’t resist spending some extra time taking photos of Annabelle on her own.

Harry was so full of smiles, the most delightful baby. Dad was on hand to tickle Harry’s feet, which sent him in into raptures of giggles every time! Both children were adorable and Annabelle was an absolute star with taking direction. Beautiful children which I am sure you will agree when you take a look at some of their photos. Afterwards Claire said that Annabelle wants to do it all over again! Wonderful!

Here are some of my favourites from their session… if you would like to have some photos taken of your children before they grow any older then please do get in touch at




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Joanne Collins Photography

Sittingbourne. Kent