World Travel Photography – 7 days in Åre Sweden

World Travel Photography – Stunning Åre in Sweden

Wow just how stunningly beautiful is Sweden, not in the way I imagined though, I had visions of blankets of twinkling snow, mountain peaks for as far as the eye could see and seething cold winds, but shortly after arriving I realised that it was mid season, not quite cold enough for snow and not quite warm enough for white water rafting and biking! But what I did discover was a whole new world. The Swedish people are super friendly and their English is astounding and the Swedish lifestyle embraces pristine nature and an environment unspoilt by modern life. I stayed in a beach apartment, where as soon as you step onto the pebbles there was water, sky and mountains. Nearly everywhere was bare of snow, but the view still magnificent.

After inhaling the crisp fresh air and feasting my eyes on this glorious sight I dashed in again for my camera. Some of the pics from my home base are my favourites, as with every new dawn there were new colours, and with each passing hour there seemed to be a new perspective to capture.  The days were very short so there were a lot of sunset, sunrise pictures. Landscape photography isn’t something that I get to indulge in, so I was in my absolute element and enjoying every second.

If you visit Are in Sweden, a trip to Tannforsen Waterfall is a must, the sheer size and volume of water gushing transcends you to another place, it’s so open, breathtaking, like the curtains to a play have just been drawn, it really is amazing, also it gave me an opportunity to practice capturing the charging water at different speeds. Travel photography is a sheer delight and a guilty pleasure for a photographer who is commercially driven. It was a wonderful experience and I hope that my pictures will give you a glimpse of what can be experienced in this natural and peaceful environment.


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Joanne Collins Photography

Sittingbourne. Kent